

On 26 and 27 October 2023, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering (HUCE) hosted the National Meeting of the Project "Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia." This project is co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ Programme and is coordinated by the Tuning Academy of the University of Groningen, Netherlands, in collaboration with the ASEAN University Network (AUN). It involves universities from seven Southeast Asian countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam).

Overview of the Opening Session

Representing the host institution, Assoc. Prof. Pham Xuan Anh, Vice-Rector expressed his pleasure in welcoming the delegates to the National Meeting at HUCE. He stated that it was an honor and a responsibility for HUCE to be chosen among many institutions within the project's scope. HUCE takes pride in contributing to the project and is committed to continuously enhancing the project's overall success and effectiveness.

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pham Xuan Anh - Vice Rector, on behalf of HUCE received the certificate from the Project Management Board

The CALOHEA National Meeting in Vietnam aims to present an overview and benefits of the CALOHEA project, it is also to disseminate and engage with various stakeholders about the three recognition mechanisms (RMs) being developed within the scope of the project. The goal is to develop more comprehensive and effective learning outcomes in higher education in Vietnam, contributing to the internationalization of higher education institutions in Southeast Asia by developing a range of measures through three RMs. These RMs are expected to be crucial for higher education reform in Southeast Asia, as they not only impact mutual recognition of training programs and promote student-faculty exchange within ASEAN but also aim for mutual recognition and exchange between Europe and ASEAN.

Members of project present at the National Meeting

Sharing his thoughts after attending the event, Dr. Pham Tuan Hung, Head of the Testing and Education Quality Assurance Department stated: "Through the workshop sessions, lecturers, researchers and students have the opportunity for better understanding the necessary skills and the criteria used to measure learning outcomes. Higher education institutions in Southeast Asia, when applying the results of the CALOHEA Project, can easily use the outcome framework for credit transfer, promote faculty-student exchange, and recognize degrees. This way, individuals and higher education institutions in Vietnam will contribute more to the integration and internationalization in education and national development."

To learn more about the project's content and outcomes, especially the three RMs, please contact the project team members of HUCE via the email or visit the project's website at

Some other images of the program:

Thuy Linh - P.HTQT